Hi, I am Julia.

A 20-something, red-curly-haired, follower of Jesus Christ, photographer based out of Bland, Virginia! Born and raised Virginia native with a love for all things Southern! I live deep in the Appalachian Mountains on our family-owned farm with my husband Dakota, two daughters, two pups, and lots of cows! When I'm not busy with photography, you can find me with family, in the mountains, or roaming/working our farm. Nothing makes me happier than being with God and all of his beautiful creations!

My passion for photography started back when I was a high school senior. After many photography contests and photographing friends and family, that’s when I realized my true passion. Capturing such tiny moments in our fast-paced lives brought me such joy that I wanted to continue that into my adult career. And here we are today!

Much Love, Julia